Anglican-Lutheran Society
Church Building

Bringing Lutherans and Anglicans closer together in common cause for the unity of Christ's Church


8th MARCH 2025 10.30-15.30 (London Time)

Annual Meeting : 'Together in the Way'

St Mary's German Church, Sandwich Street, London WC1H 9PL

Our Constitution requires us to hold a General Meeting in the first half of each year. But rather than simply having a business meeting our Society takes the opportunity to explore a theme that is relevant to both our Church traditions. This year we shall draw on the experience of experts and our Society's members to consider recent ecumenical developments internationally, nationally and locally. Be sure to put the date in your diary and make your travel arrangements as soon as you can to take advantage of cheap fares.

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7th April 2025

Committee Meeting

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Membership is open to anyone willing to work and pray for the unity of the Church, especially between Anglicans and Lutherans world wide. Members are offered opportunities to meet for worship and study, to get to know one another better and to support each other in Christian witness and service.

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Free for Students

Membership is offered free to students preparing for ministry, ordained or lay, in Anglican or Lutheran Churches

The Window

Receive the Society's newsletter, The Window, three times each year. The archive of our newsletter, which is a valuable resource for basic research into the developing relationships between our two traditions, is now available online here.

Global Community

Become part of a community with members in 37 countries across the world

Past Events

Find out about some of our recent activities, meetings and conferences
