Anglican-Lutheran Society


Annual Meeting : 'Together in the Way'

8th MARCH 2025 10.30-15.30 (London Time)

Annual Meeting : 'Together in the Way'

St Mary's German Church, Sandwich Street, London WC1H 9PL

Our Constitution requires us to hold a General Meeting in the first half of each year. But rather than simply having a business meeting our Society takes the opportunity to explore a theme that is relevant to both our Church traditions. This year we shall draw on the experience of experts and our Society's members to consider recent ecumenical developments internationally, nationally and locally. Be sure to put the date in your diary and make your travel arrangements as soon as you can to take advantage of cheap fares.

In inviting you to our Annual Meeting, Bishop Paul Ferguson, our Anglican Moderator, says that Anglican-Lutheran friendships and relationships are an important part of Church life, within our national borders as well as internationally.  What new experiences are there, and what can we continue to learn from each other?  How can our relationships be more fully ‘lived’ in witness and mission, and how can we address remaining issues?

Our visiting speakers, Canon Paul Avis and the Rev Tim Norwood, have leading roles in communion and ecumenical relationships.  There will also be presentations from members and friends of the Society who will share their own experience, and there will be questions for ‘round table’ discussions.  The programme will conclude with a celebration of the Eucharist.  We alternate between our traditions, and this year we shall use an Anglican liturgy and the preacher will be a Lutheran.


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